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Work Permit To Citizenship


In the contemporary era, people wish to work in foreign countries because of high-quality education, living, and employment opportunities like Canada. NRIs living in Canada are so satisfied with the Canadian lifestyle that they wish to obtain permanent Canadian citizenship. What, according to you, inspired them to obtain a permanent residency? You must know that only the citizens of Canada get few job opportunities. However, after getting permanent citizenship, they are eligible for the position. Do you want to change your Canada Work Permit to permanent citizenship? If yes, continue reading. This blog will discuss how Croyez Immigration, the best immigration consultant in Kochi, can help you.

About Croyez Immigration

Few think that when there are several immigration consultants in India, why opt for the guidance of Croyez Immigration? The services Croyez Immigration offers to its clients are unparalleled. Headquartered in Chennai, applicants who availed of their service regard Croyez Immigration as the best consultant. Experienced consultants of Croyez Immigration will guide you on the conversion process in detail. Applicants are so satisfied with the service that it has inspired them to open their branches. Having its branches in Coimbatore, Bangalore, Canada, etc., people all over India seek their guidance. In addition, they are the receivers of appreciation certificates and countless trophies for their outstanding services.

Eligibility Criteria for the Canadian Citizenship 

The criteria the Canadian authorities have issued for the NRIs wanting to obtain permanent citizenship are as follows.

  • Total Stay In Canada- Do not be mistaken to think that obtaining a permanent residency in Canada is very easy. Though you have a work permit, your total stay in Canada should not be less than at least 730 days from the date of application. If your stay in Canada is less than 730 days, the Canadian authorities will reject your application. However, you do not need to stay in Canada for 730 days in a single go. The permanent residence allows you to study, live, and work in Canada till you want to.
  • Time of residence– Before approving your application, the Canadian authorities review how many years you have lived in Canada. To obtain permanent residency, your total stay in Canada should not be less than at least three years. However, if your overall stay in Canada is less than three years, and you still wish to apply for it, there is a way out. Your total stay in Canada, if not regularly, should not be less than at least 1035 days in 5 years. However, there is an exception to it. Suppose you are in jail for ten days. In that case, the ten days the Government authorities will not consider.
  • Punctuality in Tax Payment– Whether in India or foreign countries like Canada, the citizens must pay tax on time. Answer a question: Do you think the Canadian authorities will accept those negligent in paying taxes? No! Hence, apply if you have paid the tax on time. Do you know why punctuality in tax payments is crucial? You need to submit your tax receipts while requesting permanent residence. Without previous tax receipts, the Canadian authorities will not review your application. On the contrary, timely payment creates a lasting impact and improves the chances of application approval. The Canadian Government will not deny citizenship to those who pay tax timely.
  • Language requirements– As you know, there is a vast difference between Indian and American English. The Canadian Government will not allow you to reside in Canada if you speak Indian English. To live in any country, you must be comfortable communicating with others in their dialect. Hence, you must know American English fluently. In addition, the residents of Canada are fluent in French. Therefore, French-speaking skills will improve the chances of acceptance of Canadian citizenship. However, you should pass the Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 4 exams.
  • Citizenship Exam– This is the last and the most crucial step you should clear before receiving Canadian citizenship. It is a 20-mark short and easy examination, which you should complete within half an hour. If you wish to attain permanent citizenship, you should know the entire process- Shouldn’t you? So, answer a question- Do you know of the citizenship exam? If yes, brilliant! If not, read on to find out. This exam intends to check how much you know about the country where you want to reside.

If you are curious about the exam pattern, you should know that it contains MCQs and identifying true and false statements. You can take the exam in your preferred language- French or Canadian English. If you wish to know the syllabus, you should know that you should answer questions on Canadian Laws, History and Geography, Economy, Symbols, etc. Though it is a written exam, it may occur verbally in rare situations.

Discussed above are the criteria laid out by the Canadian Government. Hence, if you aspire to become a permanent citizen of Canada, you should know all of them. Therefore, research, and yes, no negligence in exam preparations, without which you do not qualify for citizenship.

How To Apply Online? 

  • Visit the official web page of Canadian Citizenship and create your account for free by adding relevant details.
  • After creating your account, fill out the form.
  • Upload documents the Canadian Government ask for.
  • Pay the fees
  • Receive a confirmation e-mail, and wait until any further notifications.

Conclusion- “Best Migration Services, Kochi” is what the natives of Kochi wishing to relocate to Canada search for online. Croyez Immigration is the best immigration consultant to help aspirants obtain permanent residency in Canada. According to the Canadian Government, your total stay in Canada should not be less than at least 730 days from the date of application. Your stay in Canada should not be less than at least three years or at least 1035 days. You should submit the tax receipt paid earlier. Negligence in tax payment is unacceptable in Canadian Citizenship Application. Crack Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 4 Exams and citizenship exams to get acceptance for Canadian citizenship.


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