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highest bank interest rate


As a bustling global financial hub, Singapore is home to many banks and financial institutions that offer a wide range of services to customers.

One of the most common services that banks provide is loans. Whether it’s for personal or business purposes, many individuals and organizations rely on loans to achieve their financial goals.

 However, not all loans are created equal, and the interest rates charged by banks can vary significantly. In this article, we will explore which bank has the highest loan bank interest rate in Singapore.

First, it’s important to note that there are different types of loans, including personal loans, home loans, car loans, and business loans.

Each of these loans has its own interest rates, depending on the lender’s risk assessment and other factors.

 In general, loans that are considered riskier (i.e., loans that are unsecured or have a longer repayment period) tend to have higher interest rates.

When it comes to getting a loan in Singapore, it’s important to do your research and shop around for the best interest rates.

Different banks have different rates, and even small differences can add up to big savings or losses over the life of a loan.

With that said, we can now look at which bank in Singapore has the highest bank loan interest rate.

DBS Bank

According to the latest data from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the bank with the highest interest rate for personal loans as of March 2022 is DBS Bank.

DBS Bank personal loan in Singapore interest rate ranges from 3.88% to 8.99%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.


For home loans in Singapore, the bank with the highest interest rate is currently OCBC Bank. As of March 2022, OCBC Bank’s home loan interest rate ranges from 1.75% to 2.03%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.

It’s important to note that interest rates can change over time, and different banks may offer different rates depending on various factors.

 For example, some banks may offer promotional rates or discounts to attract customers, while others may have higher rates to compensate for higher risk.


Maybank is a Malaysian bank that has a strong presence in Singapore. As of March 2022, Maybank’s personal loan interest rate ranges from 3.88% to 8.88%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.

For home loans, Maybank’s interest rate ranges from 1.60% to 1.80%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.


CIMB Bank is a Malaysian bank that also operates in Singapore. As of March 2022, CIMB Bank’s personal loan interest rate ranges from 3.5% to 8.88%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.

For home loans, CIMB Bank’s interest rate ranges from 1.60% to 1.80%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.

Standard Chartered Bank

 Standard Chartered is a British bank that operates globally, including in Singapore. As of March 2022, Standard Chartered Bank’s personal loan interest rate ranges from 3.48% to 7.8%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.

For home loans, Standard Chartered Bank’s interest rate ranges from 1.40% to 1.55%, depending on the loan amount and repayment period.

Factors which influence banks loan interest rates in Singapore

Banks in Singapore offer various types of loans to individuals and businesses, such as personal loans, housing loans, car loans, and business loans.

The interest rates charged by these banks for such loans are influenced by several factors. Below are the primary factors that influence bank loan interest rates in Singapore.

1. Singapore Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR)

The Singapore Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR) is the rate at which banks lend to each other in Singapore. This rate serves as a benchmark for banks when setting their loan interest rates.

Banks typically add a margin on top of the SIBOR to calculate the final interest rate they offer on loans.

Thus, any movement in the SIBOR can impact the loan interest rates offered by banks.

2. Monetary Policy

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is the central bank of Singapore and is responsible for setting the country’s monetary policy.

The MAS uses several tools, such as adjusting interest rates, to control the supply of money in the economy.

Changes in monetary policy can affect the demand for loans, which, in turn, can impact the interest rates charged by banks.

3. Creditworthiness of Borrowers

The creditworthiness of borrowers also plays a critical role in determining the interest rates offered by banks.

Banks typically assess a borrower’s credit score and credit history to determine their ability to repay the loan.

If the borrower has a good credit score and history, they are considered less risky, and the bank may offer them a lower interest rate.

In contrast, if the borrower has a poor credit score and history, they may be deemed risky, and the bank may charge them a higher interest rate.

4. Loan Tenure

The loan tenure, or the period over which the borrower repays the loan, also affects the interest rate offered by banks.

 Loans with longer tenures typically have higher interest rates as they carry more significant risks for the bank.

Banks charge a higher interest rate to compensate for the higher risk and the time value of money.

5. Economic Conditions

Economic conditions, such as inflation rates, economic growth, and unemployment rates, can also impact the interest rates offered by banks.

During periods of high inflation, banks may increase their interest rates to protect against the loss of purchasing power of the loaned funds.

Similarly, during economic downturns, banks may lower their interest rates to stimulate demand for loans and boost economic growth.

6. Competition Among Banks

Competition among banks is another factor that can influence loan interest rates in Singapore.

With numerous banks offering similar loan products, banks may adjust their interest rates to remain competitive and attract borrowers.

Banks may offer lower interest rates or more attractive loan terms to gain an edge over their competitors.

7. Central Bank Regulations

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) also regulates the lending practices of banks in Singapore.

 MAS may introduce regulations to limit the amount of lending or increase the capital requirements of banks, which can impact the interest rates they offer.

For instance, if MAS raises the reserve requirements of banks, banks may have to charge higher interest rates to maintain their profitability.

8. Market Conditions

Market conditions, such as changes in global interest rates and foreign exchange rates, can also affect the loan interest rates offered by banks.

Changes in global interest rates can impact the cost of funding for banks, which can lead to changes in their loan interest rates.

Similarly, changes in foreign exchange rates can affect the profitability of banks, which can also impact the interest rates they offer.

9. Loan Type

The type of loan also influences the interest rates offered by banks. For example, secured loans, such as housing loans, may have lower interest rates than unsecured loans, such as personal loans, as they carry less risk for the bank.

Similarly, loans with fixed interest rates may have higher interest rates than loans with variable interest rates, as the bank takes on the risk of interest rate fluctuations.

Final words

It’s important to note that these interest rates are subject to change, and different banks may offer different loan rates depending on various factors.

When considering taking out a loan, it’s essential to compare the interest rates and terms and conditions offered by different banks to find the one that best meets your needs and budget.

 Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that interest rates are not the only factor to consider when taking out a loan, as other fees and charges may also apply.


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