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commercial landscaping company 


As the owner of a commercial property, you will come across different challenges. One of them can be dealing with mother nature. Whether it is water damage, storm damage, or such, the process of recovering from such should be strategic. Remember, owning a commercial property means that you are responsible for everyone on your property. So, you need to know how you will bring together the pieces after something like storm damage. It is advisable to restore your building as soon as possible to avoid even more expenses. So, make sure you get a commercial landscaping company as soon as you can. Here are steps to take if your commercial property suffers storm damage.

Assess the Damage

The first thing you need to do is to assess the damage and ensure safety. Whether your property suffered flooding or the aftermath, you will indeed need help to clear that up. Assess the extent of the damage to see how far you have suffered and how much you might need to do to recover. You require a technical team of professionals to assess the damage.

Ensure the Place is Dry

The next step to take to avoid further damage is drying the place. So, you require a water vacuum, water pumps, and air movers to get rid of any stagnant water left behind after the storm clears. It is advisable that you seal the place when clearing the water to prevent air from entering. Air from outside can accelerate the growth of molds, and the restoration job can be twice harder.

Document the Damages

You will need to document the damages to see how much you will need to recover. You need to know the number of goods destroyed to know how much money you will need to replace them. Documentation of the damages is also vital for insurance purposes. Take pictures and videos of the place to support your claim. Don’t toss off the damaged items before insurance. They will also act as proof of the damage you claim.

Call the Insurance Company

You will need to get your property up and running as soon as possible. Therefore, the next important step is calling the insurance company. However, this step will be based on the policy you have signed. If the company covers this kind of damage, then you are lucky. Make sure you get in touch with the insurer as soon as possible. The longer you take to call the company, the longer your claim will take to be settled.

One easy way of getting in touch quickly is by having the adjuster’s contact information. This way you can get hold of them quickly, especially if your file gets destroyed in the storm. The adjuster will need to come and inspect the damages to provide an estimated compensation rate for you. Remember, your documentation will come in handy at this point. The adjuster will use it to compare with the results of their inspection and give an estimate of the claim.


These are crucial steps to take to get back on your feet after storm damage. Work with the best landscaping company to help you restore your property’s landscape. The sooner you act up, the sooner you get back to business.


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