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Google Analytics 4


Google Analytics 4 didn’t exactly start on the right foot with marketers. As a matter of fact, it is becoming awkward, and some marketers are so disappointed with it that they have been hosting funerals for the program’s predecessor – Universal Analytics.

So, what is it about Google Analytics 4 (GA4) that got almost everyone in the digital market riled up?

According to readers in a Google Analytics 4 readiness poll, the following are the common complaints about the new program, some of which you can relate to:

1. Data Disruptions and Discrepancies

One major concern about Google Analytics 4 is the potential for data disruptions and discrepancies. This as well happened back in 2012 when users had no option but to change from GA2 to GA3. With every iteration, the technique used analytics tools for calculating session changes and unique users.

Critics argue that new measurement protocol and data model results in inconsistencies, making depending on Google Analytics 4 for efficient reporting more difficult. Not understanding the disparities makes them assume that it isn’t accurate.

2. Limitations on Custom Dimensions

Custom dimensions are one of the attributes that most marketers configure in their analytics tools to go deeper into their data. This allows them to segment or pivot data to isolate traffic or specific audiences for deeper analysis.

Google Analytics 4 allows for a custom dimension to segment reports, but there is a limit. You only have up to 50 event-scoped custom dimensions and 25 user-scoped custom dimensions for every property.

3. Inconsistencies between Features

Google Analytics 4 is a new platform, when compared to UA that existed several years ago. Because of that, Google Analytics 4 was initially limited to including UA features, which became a major concern for many marketers who depended on specific features.

Although Google has been consistently adding new features to the platform, some marketers may need assistance with analysis workflows and reporting.

4. Poor Usability

According to most marketers, the difficulty arising is because the platform is new and different from UA. The layout and settings aren’t intuitive. For instance, if you are creating an exploration report, you should first import the metrics and dimensions you want to put in the settings column and then pull those in the second column that creates data visualization. This is totally different from Universal Analytics and clear to users who are still new.

5. Lacking Resources

With many marketers having a hard time figuring out Google Analytics 4, most ask why Google hasn’t yet provided the necessary educational resources that explain how this new tool works.

Many marketers report that a few Google members aren’t to the mark regarding the platform’s speed. This makes supporting calls very confusing. They also report that the documentation part is lacking when there is a major financial change or gap.

Final Touches

Although the sunsetting of Universal Analytics has caused stress and discomfort for most digital marketers, deeper insights and automation that come with Google Analytics 3 are much-needed app analytics and web platform upgrades for brands. Since the process of migrating to GA4 is complex, your marketing teams and technology must work together to ensure you gather insights.


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