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Health Insurance With Maternity


To have a child, you must also prepare financially for parenthood. Although you can use your savings and investments to pay for pregnancy-related costs, you may wish to keep your savings for the child’s later years.

As for delivery-related expenses, you should rely on budget-friendly maternity insurance to assist you in covering your healthcare cost. Health insurance plans with maternity coverage could also be advantageous if complications arise and you require additional medical coverage. * 

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Maternity Insurance

Often, private institutions in India charge a high price for high-quality hospital care. Maternity insurance can be an affordable health insurance option that protects pregnant women against pregnancy-related expenses. You can only purchase maternity insurance if you are planning a pregnancy but are still not pregnant.

Pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition by insurers. And maternity insurance without a waiting period does not exist. To avoid having claims denied, expectant parents should purchase maternity insurance at least a year before they plan to expand their family. Usually, most insurers have a nine-month waiting period during which you cannot file a pregnancy claim.

Advantages of health insurance with maternity benefits

Now that you understand the fundamentals of maternity insurance, you should be aware of its benefits:

  • No separate policies needed: Health insurance that covers maternity can be advantageous because it eliminates the need for separate medical policies. This way, you can avoid the hassle of maintaining two separate policies with separate premium payments. This enables the policyholder to receive all maternity benefits under the existing health insurance policy without additional hassle.
  • Reduced monthly premium: A health insurance policy that includes maternity coverage has a significantly lower premium than two separate policies. You can confirm this by comparing their premium amounts online using a health insurance premium calculator. * 

* Standard T&C Apply

Comprehensive health insurance covers multiple risks and health conditions, including pregnancy, whereas maternity coverage only covers pregnancy-related medical expenses. Thus, the parents can reduce their premium costs while protecting the mother and child from unavoidable medical expenses. * 

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  • Expanded facilities: If you purchase only maternity insurance, your coverage options may be limited. For example, a comprehensive health insurance policy may protect you against maternity expenses and the cost of treating other impending diseases and conditions, such as COVID-19. Additionally, buying maternity coverage as an addition to your standard health insurance plan can double the benefits such as the number of coverage days and sum insured options. * 

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  • Continued health insurance coverage after pregnancy: Maternity insurance may be limited in duration, with policy terms ending within two or three years. However, health insurance is a long-term commitment. If you choose health insurance that includes maternity coverage, you can remove the coverage once your pregnancy is complete. * 

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Not only do you continue to protect your health, but you also do not lose the cumulative bonus if you may have earned one. Thus, you continue your coverage without interruption, and the duration of your maternity coverage has no major bearing on your primary coverage. *

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With the right health insurance plan with maternity benefits, you can provide financial protection throughout all stages of pregnancy and the finest facilities for mother and child.

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.


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