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structured settlement companies 


If you’ve suffered injuries, it’s natural to want to get paid what you deserve as quickly as possible. However, taking the wrong settlement can be costly in the long run. It’s crucial to consider your options before choosing between receiving a lump sum or accepting a structured settlement as compensation for your injuries. Here are four things to consider when deciding if you should take a lump sum or structured settlement from an injury lawsuit.

1.How Much Do You Need Right Now?

There are several ways to value your case, but figuring out how much you need today—and in what form—is an important early decision. A lump sum might be suitable if you need cash and can’t wait years for your settlement payments. On the other hand, structured settlements might make more sense if you can meet your needs through current income (i.e., a job) and don’t want to touch your settlement funds until retirement.

In any event, it’s essential to know where you stand financially before choosing between these two options. As with most financial decisions, each approach has pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide which works best for your situation. You can contact structured settlement companies should you find yourself in a position where you need to sell your future payments to get cash faster. That can be a good option when you are strapped for cash now and have a structured settlement in place.

2. How Much Will You Need in the Future?

When weighing your options, consider what you might need money for in future years. It may be beneficial to take structured settlement payments over time to avoid running out of money later in life. However, if you want to make large purchases now (e.g., retirement home), it might be better to take a lump sum.

A structured settlement guarantees a stream of income. For this reason, it can be suitable if you don’t expect another reliable income source in the future. You can contact a reputable firm like We Pay More Funding to sell your structured settlement for faster access to your cash.

3. Consider Your Financial Situation

Before you decide whether to take a lump sum or structured settlement, make sure you know your financial situation, especially if you have any debt. If you have credit card debt or other bills that will take years to pay off, taking a lump sum may make sense in order to pay off the debt and the interest rates attached to it.

On the other hand, if you don’t have any need for the cash now it might make sense leaving the periodic payments in place.

4. Are You a Good Saver?

A lump-sum payment will give you immediate financial freedom and the ability to use it as you see fit. If you’re not a good saver, this can also be a risky move because once you receive your money, there is no turning back. However, if you’re disciplined in matters of finances, taking a lump sum can help you achieve your dream

If you are a poor saver, a structured settlement is suitable. When you receive a structured settlement, your payments will be spread out over time so they do not cause financial hardship for you or your family members. You will have time to save up enough money, so there will already be another payment on its way when one comes in!


A structured settlement provides an ongoing income stream, regardless of whether you choose to work or not. In other words, if you are physically disabled and cannot work through no fault of your own, or if you have been injured, the structured stream of payments from your settlement will help support you.

On the other hand, cashing out for a lump sum can help you seize a golden financial opportunity in your life or help you out during a depressing financial crisis. Therefore, it’s crucial to weigh your options against your needs and make an informed decision. If you prefer cash now, you can contact a reputable firm that deals with structured settlements to help you receive your money faster.


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